Safety, Health, Environment & Quality

The SHEQ Policy aims to ensure alignment to the Sarens mission and values, where ‘Dedication to Safety’ means ensuring that harm is not inflicted upon its employees, contractors, service providers, or the environment, Sarens assets, as well as members of the public affected by its operations, infrastructure and all operational activities within the scope of heavy lifting, special transport, assembly, disassembly and maintenance in industry and infrastructure.

Sarens management and all employees are committed to well-being and protection of human life, environmental duty of care, protection of assets and customer satisfaction by applying our Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and our Code of Conduct in all Sarens activities.
Sarens has integrated safety, health, environment and quality requirements into all activities; more specifically in the Sarens Project Management Procedure (SPM) and care for preventive maintenance so that decisions made ensure the consideration of economic development, environmental quality and social equity to continually improve performance and achieve stakeholder requirements.

Sarens will avoid harm to people and the environment while providing quality services to our customers

Sarens commitment to Safety, Health, Environment and Quality management is achieved through:

  • Implementation of an integrated management system in accordance with ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, and SCC*P 2008/5.1.
  • Achieving compliance with applicable legislation and other requirements to which Sarens subscribes and in the absence of these,
    setting internal standards to meet the intent of this policy.
  • Addressing the needs and expectations of Sarens customers and stakeholders.
  • Setting SHEQ objectives goals and measuring our performance (KPI’s) against these with the objective of continual improvement.
  • Periodical risk-based medical surveillance for all Sarens employees, to monitor and manage occupational health risks inherently
    present in the nature of our business.
  • SHEQ training and safety based behaviour training for all employees.
  • Ensuring that our suppliers and service suppliers meet and adhere to Sarens SHEQ requirements.
  • Promoting open communication with all stakeholders and sharing of our SHEQ knowledge.
  • Real accountability for all our managers and employees in performing and tracking our SHEQ goals and targets.
  • Design, construction and operation of our services in a safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible manner.

Policy into practice

In order to put this policy into practice and avoid incidents and accidents, the Sarens 10 Life Saving Rules (LSR) are developed and implemented. All employees are expected to perform their job in accordance with this company philosophy and follow all applicable procedures and instructions including the Stop & Consult Procedure as a final Last-Minute Risk Assessment (LMRA) before commencement of work. Where necessary, the management will take measures by using our Consequence Management Procedure.

In addition to first using collective protection equipment, all employees have appropriate work wear and Personal Protection Equipment that meets the highest standards in accordance with local legislation. The Management team shows clear responsibility and commitment to verify the effectiveness of our integrated SHEQ Management system by completing workplace inspections on a regular basis.

The Sarens Management system is constantly improved by means of internal audits: local, cross and Group SHEQ, and external audits. A unique Sarens Year Action Plan for each Business Unit is followed up in the monthly management meetings and an annual management review so that any necessary remedial and prevention measures can promptly be taken to improve performance and efficiency. 

Our 2020 strategy is based on a #zeroharm campaign, including special posters and a weekly counter. Our digital reporting and registration system called ISA is being rolled out in all BUs and this process will be completed by the end of this year.
In addition to this our “Crane operators minimum daily / weekly maintenance checks”- manual is published and distributed amongst the blue collars worldwide.
Now that we have provided the tools and procedures and have an ongoing review and improvement policy, our operators must use the tools and procedures made available to them and our Operations and General Management Teams must ensure that procedures are followed, tools used and actions taken.
Sarens is fully prepared and takes all COVID-19 measures in accordance with local legislation worldwide. Our staff took the opportunity to follow an in-depth e-learning on different SHEQ subjects. And last but not least following an extensive study, the wind counter disc is added as a new asset to our operations to avoid incidents with regard to specific wind projects.

This policy statement is available on and published in all our offices worldwide. It will be regularly reviewed (at least every year) by the Sarens Group Management to ensure that it remains line with Sarens objectives and strategic priorities.


Wim Sarens

Read the Annual Reports here:

Sarens Annual SHEQ Report 2022

Sarens Annual SHEQ Report 2021

Sarens Annual SHEQ Report 2020